Monday, June 18, 2012

Bye Bye Breastfeeding Review

Ellen is fast approaching one year. Next month, my little Beanie is going to be a big girl. Time has fa-lown by from when she was just a little peanut who only needed to be snuggled and nursed. Now she is busy busy; so busy that she doesn't want to eat sometimes.

This has got me thinking about the weaning process. I don't know how we are going to approach this yet. Maybe I will just keep nursing and see how it goes. Maybe I will start to wean her using one of the 875.3 million methods found online. I just don't know yet. I think part of the reason I don't know is because I enjoy nursing Ellen, and I am not ready to think about the fact that she is growing up. But, the time is approaching, so I need to start considering my options.

Coincidentally, as I have been thinking about this, Wendi, author of Bye Bye Breastfeeding, approached me to review a copy of her ebook. 

I was hesitant to do this because I just don't have enough information of my own to make a judgement yet. So, I am leaving this review up to you.

Check out an excerpt from Wendi's book (here), and tell me your thoughts in the comment section found here. Additionally, I would love to know your thoughts and opinions on the weaning process so I will have a place to start my research.

Thanks, readers. You are always such a great source of information. I appreciate it sososo much!

1 comment:

  1. My weaning technique is to not wean until the child gives it up on their own...all my kids have weaned around age 3 (so far). I know 3 can seem really old, but as time went on, they just gradually nursed less and less, so I never dealt with any issues she mentions (like engorgement, plugged ducts). Even after a year, breastmilk still provides nutrition, and I never saw the point of weaning just because of reaching a certain age.
